Training Classes
- Current Class Schedule
- Elizabeth Dott's Classes
- Required Standard Release Form
- Other Agility Trainers
Dog On It (DOI) offers training classes for all levels, from puppy classes to international handling, at the Club's training field near Apopka. The address is 4253 Ponkan Road, Apopka, FL 32712. The entire site is fully fenced and the rings are lighted. Water and wading pools are available to cool off the dogs, and there is shade near the rings to park under if you like to work out of your car. For those who took classes at our old site in Winter Park, this one has a big advantage -- no more schlepping equipment!
Current Class Schedule
Summer 2022 classes begin July 7, 2022.
Sign-up is through the instructor, and fees are paid to her directly, not to DOI.
If you have any other questions about agiliy classes or training, contact our President. Diane Lewis
Elizabeth Dott
Elizabeth for current information.
Elizabeth's current schedule is linked here.
Elizabeth has been actively participating in the sport of agility since 1993 and began with her border collie mix, Max. She has worked and studied under some of the best trainers in the world to achieve her education in the sport of agility and can work with any breed of dog and handler team to give them the highest quality of agility training. Elizabeth also stays up with the top methods being used as the sport of agility evolves into the high competitive sport it is today. She can help you work toward getting to the National level or work with you becoming a team just to have fun with your dog and has both kinds of students training with her. Elizabeth has written articles for Clean Run and also USDAA.com on agility related topics including training articles. Elizabeth knows and has competed in almost all of the agility venues and can help you and your dog understand the rules of any venue in which you wish to participate. Website: www.legendaryagilitytraining.com
Required Standard Release Form
All individuals, including members and non-members, who are taking classes, attending seminars, or those holding field memberships and their guests will be required to sign our standard release. Download the Release here.
Please contact our training director at doiagilityclub@gmail.com for further class information or if you are interested in teaching at our field.
Other Agility Trainers
These experienced agility trainers in the central Florida area may be contacted directly by anyone interested in agility training:
• Amy Kundinger: Amy started training dogs and joined the agility world in 1998 with her first dog, a German Shepherd named Shadow. Shadow gave her a good introduction into the agility world, and she learned a lot of lessons about running a dog that stresses in the ring. Since then, shehave actively competed with a number of Border Collies. She has competed in different venues including USDAA, UKI, and AKC. She has a history of teaching a number of students with different experience levels. Being in the sport for so long, she has learned and evolved with the sport to know a number of training skills and techniques. She has taken lessons with some of the top handlers in the world and has learned skills to utilize in any situation. Amy believes that communication, both verbal and nonverbal, is the key to success on the agility course. She has learned a number of skills to help communicate with her dog, and she wants to help others learn in order to become the most effective team. Contact info: marvelous.agility@gmail.com
• Nancy KleinhansStegall: Nancy has been involved in agility since 1997. She has been a member of several world teams with multiple dogs. Her strengths are teaching basic behaviors to dogs and their handlers so that they can build upon their foundation. She has been: AKC World Team member x 3, USDAA World Team member x 2 WAO World Team member x 2, EO Team member x 4. Nancy has Wednesday AM classes at the Dog-On-It Agility Training Field. Contact info: nrkleinhans@yahoo.com
• Rhonda Koeske: Rhonda has been an agility trainer since 1996, teaching classes from puppy agility to Masters/International handling. She explains: Each dog and handler team has unique strengths and weaknesses and training is individually tailored for their needs. My dogs have competed Nationally and Internationally. Day and evening classes available in Sorrento, Florida. Soon she will be moving to an indoor, air conditioned, building with artificial turf, scheduled for completion in 2020. Come have fun with your dog and learn a great sport. Contact info: adchtack@gmail.com
• Deb Smith: Deb is the owner/trainer of 14 Karat K9s Dog Training. She has been training dogs and competing in agility and dog sports for 20+ years. Her Jack Russel terriers and border collies have competed at the highest levels in USDAA Cynosports many times. Deb is currently training and competing with 4 border collies in agility and Rally O. Deb is available to train agility, foundation work, basics to masters, obedience, puppy classes, CGC, ACT I and II, and temperament testing Deb is located in East Lake County. Contact info:k9s24x7@gmail.com or 352-408-7587
• Helen Benson: Helen started agility in 2014 with her Shetland Sheepdog, Shadow, and immediately fell in love with the sport. She has competed in CPE, AKC, USDAA, and UKI, including multiple Regional and National placements. She believes strongly in training good foundations and independent skills for the dogs, upon which everything else is built. She also has experience helping dogs that behave differently in training vs. trial environments. Helen continues to seek out training opportunities with some of the best agility handlers/trainers in the world to pursue her growth in the sport. She believes that the best part of agility is the relationship you build with your dog, and wants to help others achieve the same joy that agility has brought into her life. Contact info: hbenson088@gmail.com
• Mindy Lytle: Mindy is located in east Orlando. Contact info: K9s24-7@cfl.rr.com
• Amanda Burger: Amanda is in Orlando, Florida. Her training company is L Every Dog Has Its Day LLC. Contact info: amanda@orlandodogtraining.org; www.orlandodogtraining.org; 407-844.9336
• Bonnie McDonald: Bonnie is located in Brooksville, Florida at the Sonlight Ranch & K9 Event Center. Contact info: GSDBonjon@aol.com
• Dog Training Club of Tampa: An AKC-affiliated dog club. Contact info: dctc.org; 813-913-PETS
• Dog Training Club of St Pete: An AKC-affiliated dog club. Contact info: 727-527-5568; info@dtcsp.org
• Pals N Paws: An AKC-affiliated dog club located in Jackonville, Florida. Contact info:palsandpawsagility@gmail.com
• Rachel Flatley: Rachel is located in the Ft White-Gainesville area. Contact info: bordercoolies@aol.com 561.386.1769